November 10
7:45- 11:45
The day started out with a quick discussion on Veteran’s day. Many of the student’s knew why they had the day off tomorrow and many had veterans in their families. Then the entire 6th grade went to the auditorium for the high school concert to honor the veterans. There was no technology used during the concert but the last song could have used some. The chorus and band performed together and the band drowned the chorus out. They could have either microphone the chorus or displayed the words they were singing over a projector.
In math the students took a pre test using paper. This was given to see where the student ranked in the upcoming math content. To see if they knew the material a computer test or game could have also been use.
The second ELA class started with book shares. Today is a mock Friday, as the students do not have school Thursday or Friday. The first student today did a PowerPoint for her book share. She used the color scheme of hot pink and light blue. The color combination was a little tough of the eyes and with more experience she may be able to pick that out on her own. The presentation included pictures and moving graphics. She also used smart objects to be the background of her text. It was a very short presentation. She also used “u” for you. This move fits very well with Shayna’s presentation two weeks ago. After the presentation the students moved to working on their reading skills. This part was a follow up to a SMART Board lesson that taught the students good reading skills. I was shown the presentation and it involved the class reading and highlighting part of their answers on the SMART Board. Today they are doing it individually at their desks. For the second half of the period the students finished typing their ECHOS pieces.
Today's Time: 4 hours
Total Time: 14.5
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